Tachyon Amethyst Crystal Bracelet


Amethyst rids negative energy within a room, and also keeps “energy vampires” out of your personal space. Amethyst is a stone of the sixth (third eye) and seventh (crown) chakras: It vibrates in violet auric color (in addition to being super pretty); it helps us tap into our intuition and connect us to the higher planes of existence.

When the crown chakra is out of balance or its energy is blocked, you will feel clumsy, uncoordinated, and at sorts with life. You will stumble in both movement and thought. You will be uninspired and out of step. The world will seem to be spinning, and you will be unsure of who you are or why you even exist. You will be rigid in your thinking, and be spiritually adrift. Your consciousness will be limited, and possibilities will not appear to you. You will have difficulty understanding relationships, ideas, and dreams. Use an Amethyst to restore the balance in your spirit energy of the crown chakra.

**Where It’s Sourced ?**

 Zambia, Brazil
