Plasma Wand(Violet Light)


The violet ray in healing would have been almost totally forgotten, except for one man. Around 1900, Edgar Cayce lost his voice for months and doctors were unable to help him. After he learned how to do self-hypnosis and diagnosed his own medical condition, he quickly regained his voice. Then he went into hypnosis and began to help a few friends with their health problems. Floods of desperate people flocked through his door seeking help for difficult medical conditions. In his lifetime as a “psychic diagnostician,” he gave 14,000 readings in which he mentioned using the violet ray in more than 900 readings.

The Violet Ray High Frequency UnitONE of the most remarkable developments of the wonderful science of electricity is that of the Violet Ray machine or high frequency generator. The Violet Ray may be said to be a diffusion of an electrical current of tremendous power and resistance, into millions of tiny harmless units which can be applied to the tenderest and most delicate parts of the body without the slightest harm. As applied to the human body, its results have been found to be of enormous benefit in innumerable instances.

According to the Super High Frequency Manual dated 1930, "it stimulates and regulates the circulation of the blood, forcing it to carry away the waste and poisons from the body. It vitalizes or brings back to normal the many thousands of tissues throughout the body. It quites the nerves equalizes the circulation and restores normal rest, followed by pleasant and refreshing sleep. It also increases intake of oxygen through the pores, causing them to throw out impurities and breathe, or take in oxygen. And most important of all, IT GIVES A GENERAL REJUVENATION OR "TUNE-UP OF THE ENTIRE BODY."

Renulife Violet Ray (1930 Manual)

Nikola Tesla, who discovered a way to diffuse high-frequency current into a discharge of mist, enabled creation of the “violet ray,” which gained great popularity in the 1920s.32 A variety of devices using these rays and glass elec-trodes promoted the idea of “cellular massage” to build up tissue resistance.

For those who need a simple definition of Violet rays, this is it.